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Arts Calendar / April 1 / Opera
19:00 Rigoletto
Opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. 185 (with two intermissions). Conductors: Evgeny Samoilov, Fabio Mastrangelo. Stage Director: Ralf Langbaka. Performed in Italian with Russian surtitles. The co-project of the Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre of Moscow and the Savonlinna Opera Festival. "A singing hunchback? Why not? I find it quite exciting to make this character ugly and clumsy outside and passionate and full of love inside," wrote Verdi when composing one of his best operas. His masterly score is dynamic and theatrical and has powerful dramatic personalities. The wonderful arias and ensembles sung by the main characters (Rigoletto, the Duke, and Gilda) and amazing memorable melodies have become world opera hits. Rigoletto is a classic example of the Verdi theatre: passionate, tearful, tender and evil,with historical costumes and a romantic environment. The co-project of the Novaya Opera and the Savonlinna Opera Festival, Rigoletto has run on stage more than fifteen years, enjoying unvarying success. In different years this production featured Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Franz Grundheber as Rigoletto and was conducted by Evgeny Kolobov and Antonino Fogliani. The production was awarded the Casta Diva Russian Opera Prize as the "Event of the Year" in 2000.
Novaya Opera Theatre 
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